

the painting trailer
my RoulotteÀPeinture

A simple idea.
To bring a painting studio into the outdoors.
Go towards children and adults too, and offer them to paint,
to draw for as long as they want to.
A very simple idea : to built a big colorful box
    to open everybody’s eyes and heart.

    A box with paints,
    sheets of paper of different sizes
       but also of different colors,
            some pencils, crayons and pastels,
                cans of water, brushes, scissors, and some glue.

The box is mounted on wheels, so as to be mobile.
    Once a location picked, the tarpaulins are laid out
        to outline a big enough space to muck about without worries.

And the motley colorful box,
the painting trailer, works like a magnet:
curiosity, surprise and in the end, freedom,
freedom to act, to express oneself and to meet each other.

The painting trailer.
A outdoor gallery, without hang-ups
and I dare say democratic.
Democratic, not in the traditional sense
but in the sense that all can express themselves
without directives from the outside.
A freedom to meet with oneself and with others.

In that newly-found time, one is left with oneself,
not in a space-time which is squashed, framed,
ultimately erased.
Time for a reflective memory, outside judgments,
outside the incessant onslaught
of stereotypes that afflict us.

I dared say democratic for it is from here that the word freedom really stems.

guillaumetel4 sommer 2005

thank to theresia guschlbauer :see also her work in Ireland

  T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier
association loi 1901 - J.O.1404-17/7/1999
agrément Jeunesse et d'Éducation Populaire - 75 JEP 04-189
SIRET 43800263600019 - APE: 9001Z
courriel: tracesp@mailz.org