T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier

T.R.A.C.E.S.: who are we?

T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier

    The association T.R.A.C.E.S. (T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier – Feature Reflect Action Contrast Space Singular) was founded in 1999 by two artists, Sophie Nédorézoff and guillaumetel4 with the aim of encouraging encounters between populations and the sharing of their cultural treasures through artistic activities of interest to both children and parents. These artists have invested themselves intensively in increasing the knowledge of art and of contemporary art in particular. The association has invested much effort in the neighborhood of lower Belleville-Amandiers, and has in return been nourished itself. Its board of trustees is today composed of artists and inhabitants of the neighborhood.

    Since 2002 a bi-weekly Child-Parent workshop exists and since 2005, an itinerant open-air workshop, „la Roulotte à Peinture“ (The Paint Wagon) enables everybody to practise the visual arts in cooperation with artists. More and more families, brothers and sisters find themselves there.

    Already present since 2006 on the place in the factory, T.R.A.C.E.S is developing these engagements and experiences. Furthermore, the association has initiated meetings and collective manifestations in the neighborhood.

the artists

further informations

T (33) o9 52 75 31 51
M 06 03 79 77 09  mail: contact@tracesabelleville.org
     T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier 
(T.R.A.C.E.S. association loi 1901 – J.O.1404-17/7/1999)
 siège sociale: 24 rue ramponeau 75020 Paris
agrément Jeunesse et d’Éducation Populaire - 75 JEP 04-189 / SIRET 43800263600019 - APE: 9001Z / Maison des Artistes N° diffuseur T047669