T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier

Manifestations of contemporary creation

To make „T.R.AC.E.S. à Belleville“ a place for the visibility of art and a close link with the inhabitants, we propose a quarterly rendez-vous which will allow the encounter between the public and the artists and their creations.

In fonction of the proposed project, besides being a space of experimentation, a part of the Factory could be available for the artists (eventually with a budget appropriation) in order to realize their project at its best. The artists should imagine, execute and choreograph these encounters.

At these occasions, the place shall be open to the public an entire week-end. Interested schools. groups and associations could visit during the week with the artists present.

In order to allow the habitants and the children of the neighbourhood to participate at these encounters,
we wish to:

Open up a way towards a better understanding of contemporary art,

Render more visible the artistic production and better apprehend the creative process.

These manifestations-creations could be in the form of expositions, performances, lectures, vidéos or others.
They could specifically leave the site, by being presented in other cultural or social places, both schools
or other urban locations.

Traces hors les murs is one of the aspects which we want to develop.

Already in 2008, a first manifestation a took place "Nous et les maisons" / “We and the houses“

programm see on

T (33) o9 52 75 31 51
M 06 03 79 77 09  mail: contact@tracesabelleville.org
     T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier 
(T.R.A.C.E.S. association loi 1901 – J.O.1404-17/7/1999)
 siège sociale: 24 rue ramponeau 75020 Paris
agrément Jeunesse et d’Éducation Populaire - 75 JEP 04-189 / SIRET 43800263600019 - APE: 9001Z Maison des Artistes N° diffuseur T047669