R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier
T.R.A.C.E.S. à Belleville
T.R.A.C.E.S. à Belleville has the ambition to carry out this endeavour. We, the members and founders of the association T.R.A.C.E.S, wish to experiment in new interactions between art, culture and the social and urban environment, by allowing artists to use a non-institutional space - rare in Paris - and to be the actors of their own expression. The former key factory, is now becoming a common creation: every one should intervene, make it live and transform it. The presence of professionnal artists, each working on a project, wishing to share their work with the members of the neighbourhood (families, young people, associations, schools…), work which they wish to create themselves and bring to life with these artists. After the vote of the Conseil de Paris (Paris City Counsel) on 9 march 2009, the association T.R.A.C.E.S. has been awarded the management of the factory and of the artists workshops on the East alley of the site in Belleville. The association is now implementing the provision of cultural animation for which its proposition had been chosen by the Paris City Counsel. For this reason we launch a call for residence to artists. Contacts and information : T (33) o9 52 75 31 51 Sophie Nédorézoff >> Mobile/ 06 03 79 77 09 |
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(33) o9 52 75 31 51
M 06 03 79 77 09 mail: contact@tracesabelleville.org T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier (T.R.A.C.E.S. association loi 1901 – J.O.1404-17/7/1999) siège sociale: 24 rue ramponeau 75020 Paris agrément Jeunesse et d’Éducation Populaire - 75 JEP 04-189 / SIRET 43800263600019 - APE: 9001Z Maison des Artistes N° diffuseur T047669 |