T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier

From individual creation to collective implementation!

T.R.A.C.E.S. is offering new conditions for the allocation and usage of the space, which favour events and cultural initiatives aimed at the neighbourhood.

The part of the site run by T.R.A.C.E.S. is thus transformed into a space of expression and a resource for artists.
The site consists now of a large collective space „The Factory“ which is composed of common spaces (50 and 77 m²), of four studios (from 15 to 27 m²) and of an alley lined with 10 studios (from 23 to 33 m2).
*The participative residences: 10 studios in the East alley (from 23 to 33 m2) and six studios in the factory (from 15 to 27 m2).
T.R.A.C.E.S is now launching a call for artistic residencies:

- For artists who wish to develop a specific short-term project and experiment with other artists.
- For those who wish to develop their personal practice over a longer time scale in connection with the collective project.
In the spirit of the project, we have undertaken an evaluation of the methods of selection and allocation of these residencies; the outcome of this process is that a contractual committment by the participating artists to engage in a process of returning to the population of the neighbourhood a part of their production be the main criteria. The selection committee, made up of artists and of members of the organisation will thus seek to assess „candidate artists“ by their willingness to integrate the collective dynamic and the outreach policy towards the neighbourhood as initiated by T.R.A.C.E.S.
Guidelines of occupancy and an internal handbook define the terms and conditions of access to the site and the duties of the artists.
The price of the studios varies according to size, from 15 to 30 m2, from € 90 to € 220 per month.

Deadline for applications: 30 June 2010.

A hardcopy is required!

Guidelines and application form can be found here PDF and doc.

° Terms and conditions of the commission are available here PDF

° Report of the meeting of 11 septembre 2009 here PDF

All inquires by E.Mail: contact@tracesabelleville.org

The Experimental Space, at the back of the Factory: 77 m²

This common space can be accessed at any time by artists with a specific project and within a defined timeframe (and a specific schedule). It can also be used as a meeting place for artists (performance artists, painters, musicians…), as well as a space for research and for the pooling together of different artistic practices.

Opening this space to research allows artists to see their art as a process of creation and to exchange ideas around this theme with a public which may be invited occasionally.


The Resource Space, at the front of the factory: 50 m2)

This is a shared production space which puts at the disposal of the artists various tools: computers, cultural magazines, art books, small tools, paper and all kinds of material necessary for the artistic process.

We wish to allow artists, organisations, schools to use this resource Space. They will be able to come to the Factory on planned dates to carry out one of their projects, be it an art work, or as part of a training programme. These activities should be in connection with creativity and the artistic production.

To „bathe“ in a creative and professional atmosphere is the major attraction in coming to the Kommune, as well as fostering cross fertilisation between artists and the participating public.

T (33) o9 52 75 31 51
M 06 03 79 77 09  mail
: contact@tracesabelleville.org
   T.rait R.eflet A.ction C.ontraste E.space S.ingulier 
(T.R.A.C.E.S. association loi 1901 – J.O.1404-17/7/1999)
 siège sociale: 24 rue ramponeau 75020 Paris

agrément Jeunesse et d’Éducation Populaire - 75 JEP 04-189
SIRET 43800263600019 - APE: 9001Z Maison des Artistes N° diffuseur T047669